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Oberon Document | 1994-06-07 | 6.9 KB | 140 lines | [oODC/obnF] |
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- Stores.StoreDesc
- Geneva
- TextModels.AttributesDesc
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- StdStamps.StdViewDesc
- Views.ViewDesc
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- TextModels.AttributesDesc
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- Geneva
- MODULE MacResourceMgr;
- (* cp
- ResType is LONGINT, not ARRAY 4 OF CHAR
- IMPORT SYSTEM, MacTypes, MacFileMgr;
- resSysHeap* = 64;
- resPurgeable* = 32;
- resLocked* = 16;
- resProtected* = 8;
- resPreload* = 4;
- resChanged* = 2;
- mapReadOnly* = 128;
- mapCompact* = 64;
- mapChanged* = 32;
- TEXT* = 54455854H;
- FONT* = 464F4E54H;
- DRVR* = 44525652H;
- DLOG* = 444C4F47H;
- DITL* = 4449544CH;
- STRlist* = 53545223H;
- PATlist* = 50415423H;
- CODE = 1;
- TYPE ResType* = MacTypes.ResType;
- (** Opening and Closing Resource Files **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] CreateResFile* (fileName: MacTypes.Str255) 0A9H, 0B1H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] OpenResFile* (filename: MacTypes.Str255): INTEGER 0A9H, 097H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] CloseResFile* (refNum: INTEGER) 0A9H, 09AH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] FSpOpenResFile*(spec: MacFileMgr.FSSpec; permission: MacTypes.SignedByte): INTEGER 030H, 03CH, 000H, 00DH, 0AAH, 052H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] FSpCreateResFile*(spec: MacFileMgr.FSSpec; creator, fileType: MacTypes.OSType; scriptTag: INTEGER) 030H, 03CH, 000H, 00EH, 0AAH, 052H;
- (** Checking for Errors **)
- (** Setting the Current Resource File **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] CurResFile* (): INTEGER 0A9H, 094H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] HomeResFile* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle): INTEGER 0A9H, 0A4H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] UseResFile* (refNum: INTEGER) 0A9H, 098H;
- (** Getting Resource Types **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] CountTypes* (): INTEGER 0A9H, 09EH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetIndType* (VAR theType: ResType; index: INTEGER) 0A9H, 09FH;
- (** Getting and Disposing of Resources **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] SetResLoad* (load: BOOLEAN) 0A9H, 09BH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] CountResources* (theType: ResType): INTEGER 0A9H, 09CH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetIndResource* (theType: ResType; index: INTEGER): MacTypes.Handle 0A9H, 09DH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetResource* (theType: ResType; theID: INTEGER): MacTypes.Handle 0A9H, 0A0H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetNamedResource* (theType: ResType; name: MacTypes.Str255): MacTypes.Handle 0A9H, 0A1H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] LoadResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle) 0A9H, 0A2H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] ReleaseResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle) 0A9H, 0A3H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] DetachResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle) 0A9H, 092H;
- (** Getting Resource Information **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] UniqueID* (theType: ResType): INTEGER 0A9H, 0C1H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetResInfo* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle; VAR theID: INTEGER;
- VAR theType: ResType; VAR name: MacTypes.Str255) 0A9H, 0A8H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetResAttrs* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle): MacTypes.Set 0A9H, 0A6H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] SizeResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle): LONGINT 0A9H, 0A5H;
- (** Modifying Resources **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] SetResInfo* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle; theID: INTEGER;
- name: MacTypes.Str255) 0A9H, 0A9H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] SetResAttrs* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle; attrs: MacTypes.Set) 0A9H, 0A7H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] ChangedResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle) 0A9H, 0AAH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] AddResource* (theData: MacTypes.Handle; theType: ResType;
- theID: INTEGER; name: MacTypes.Str255) 0A9H, 0ABH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] RmveResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle) 0A9H, 0ADH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] UpdateResFile* (refNum: INTEGER) 0A9H, 099H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] WriteResource* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle) 0A9H, 0B0H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] SetResPurge* (install: BOOLEAN) 0A9H, 093H;
- (** Advanced Routines **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] GetResFileAttrs* (refNum: INTEGER): MacTypes.Set 0A9H, 0F6H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] SetResFileAttrs* (refNum: INTEGER; attrs: MacTypes.Set) 0A9H, 0F7H;
- (** 128K ROM **)
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Count1Types* (): INTEGER 0A8H, 01CH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Get1IndType* (VAR theType: ResType; index: INTEGER) 0A8H, 00FH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Count1Resources* (theType: ResType): INTEGER 0A8H, 00DH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Get1IndResource* (theType: ResType; index: INTEGER): MacTypes.Handle 0A8H, 00EH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Get1Resource* (theType: ResType; theID: INTEGER): MacTypes.Handle 0A8H, 01FH;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Get1NamedResource* (theType: ResType; name: MacTypes.Str255): MacTypes.Handle 0A8H, 020H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] Unique1ID* (theType: ResType): INTEGER 0A8H, 010H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] MaxSizeRsrc* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle): LONGINT 0A8H, 021H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] RsrcMapEntry* (theResource: MacTypes.Handle): LONGINT 0A9H, 0C5H;
- PROCEDURE [CODE] OpenRFPerm* (fileName: MacTypes.Str255; vRefNum: INTEGER;
- permission: MacTypes.UnpackedByte): INTEGER 0A9H, 0C4H;
- END MacResourceMgr.
- TextControllers.StdCtrlDesc
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- Views.ViewDesc
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- TextRulers.StdStyleDesc
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- Models.ModelDesc
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- TextRulers.AttributesDesc
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- TextModels.AttributesDesc
- Stores.StoreDesc
- Geneva
- Documents.ControllerDesc
- Containers.ControllerDesc
- Controllers.ControllerDesc
- Stores.StoreDesc